por Daniel André Teixeira'


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Because sometimes you don’t win.

No matter how long did you stay up, the amount of time you believe, the countless times you fought in your wars and the will you had to be victourious in every blow you thrust, in the end the writting is on the wall.
There you are, defeated despite all of your efforts because you can’t reach the thing you wanted the most.

In that point you start to wonder why did it happen, where did it go wrong, where in the journey did you made the move that made you fall. You question yourself, and your own mind is disturbed.
Despite of the rainy days when you made it clear you wouldn’t give up and all the moments you tried to make them your winning memories there comes that bitter flavor of failure.

Forget those catch phrases and quotes about bouncing back, they’re useless when you fall, because when you are falling your world goes with you and words cannot save you … it takes a lesson on your soul.

Life is all about wins, but it’s the the defeats where you know your true colours. Because everyone can celebrate a victory, but only the real warriors know how to face defeat.

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